Need a number for your new business? Want a cool new personal phone number that spells your name? Starting an auction or ad but don't want to use your cell phone? We've got 71,250,754 numbers to choose from.
Moving and have to get a new local number? Transfer and park your old landline number and safely store it with NumberBarn until you are ready to activate it and receive calls.
Port your old number or get a new number and start call forwarding to your mobile phone (or any phone number). Our forwarding plan saves you money every month!
A second line on your existing phone that allows you to send and receive text messages and place outbound calls with your NumberBarn phone number as outgoing caller ID.
NumberBarn offers lower parking rates than just about every phone service. Want to forward your number? You'll save even more.
You own your numbers! Don't lose them when canceling another service. Keep them and never have to give out a new number again.
Simple management of your number(s) from any device with a browser and internet connection, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Forward calls to your old landline number to a cell phone. Callers won't know the difference and you don't have to update your number.
Halle-frickin-lujah!!!! We could not be happier than to be OFF of [carrier]. Thank you SO much for your diligence and tenacity in getting our number transferred! You guys ROCK!
Just a short note to say thank you for the brilliant service. Love THE PIG; spreading good words. Thank you.
NumberBarn is a fantastic solution. Rather than paying [carrier] $50/mo to have an outgoing message after we closed our medical office, I chose NumberBarn. Can't say enough positive about NumberBarn!!
Thanks, I am (perhaps this is a sad sign) again just struck by how professional, competent yet warm everyone over there seems to be. I appreciate your effort and consideration, really do.
The lowest prices
The largest available inventory
Leading-edge phone number security
Expert number porting team
First-class customer support
A fun pig as a mascot
"Porting" simply means transferring your existing landline or cell phone number from one telephone service provider to another.
You own it! We simply take care of it for you. We "port in" your number from your current provider and maintain it. Under the FCC’s “local number portability” (LNP) rules, you are legally able to keep your number when you move or change phone companies.
You can purchase a new number from any of the area codes we offer.
You can port and/or purchase as many phone numbers as you want and manage them all within a single NumberBarn account.
If you no longer wish to use NumberBarn, you can cancel at any time.
Parking your number means storing it with an active service so you can maintain ownership of the number. You can activate it when you need it and not have to give out a new phone number.
We forward all incoming calls to your NumberBarn number to the active phone number you enter in your control panel.
Any number you purchase can be transferred away to another carrier. Numbers that are licensed are not eligible to be ported away.
All plans are subject to the Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) fee imposed by the FCC, the Federal Cost Recovery Charge, which covers the cost associated with federal and state regulatory compliance, and any applicable state taxes.
Technical questions, how-tos and general advice. Our amazing support team is ready to walk with you every step of the way!
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