Earn money by selling and licensing your phone numbers

Sell your local numbers, or license your toll free numbers on NumberBarn.com and participate in the world's largest marketplace of local and vanity numbers.

Whether you are looking to start a side hustle or have an old phone number collecting dust, partnering with us and becoming a broker is the first step in the right direction.

Become a Broker Request More Info

phone number marketplace

Opportunity to profit from your digits

made a sale

With the enactment of the FCC's LNP rules, the custom phone number marketplace was born. Consumers now have options for getting a personal or business phone number, and the market is hot.

Buyers are looking for:

  • Vanity numbers
  • Words and phrases
  • Popular area codes
  • Repeaters
  • Patterns

A recent customer had a randomly assigned number from their mobile carrier that spelled a valuable word. After contacting us, they were able to sell it for over $12,500! Jackpot!

1.5 Million per day

Over 45 million searches are performed on our site each month. And we consistently expand our marketplace reach by adding to our network of carriers, providers and independent resellers.

We Make it Easy

We take care of the advertising, traffic, credit card processing, merchant fees, fraud checks, billing, customer support, and maintenance for all brokered sales and licenses.

Partner with a Market Leader

For nearly a decade, we've lead the industry with innovations in porting process, network and features. And we continue to help shape the future of telecommunications.

Getting started is a snap

1. Add your numbers

Move into the Barn by porting your numbers in, or build your number collection through the marketplace. Having the numbers in our network protects our customers from scams, fraud and ensures quick transfers and transactions.

2. Set your options

Your Broker Dashboard allows you to set the price and other listing options.

  • Add a sale price. (Minimum sale price is $9.95)
  • Set as a license. Allow use, but maintain ownership.
  • Allow offers. Accept, decline, or make a counter offer.

Note: Toll free numbers can only be licensed.

3. You're in business

And just like that, your numbers are available in our marketplace.

Questions about being a NumberBarn Broker?
Request more info

Our team is available to help. Complete the info below and we'll get back to you pronto.

More ways to earn

We make selling phone numbers easier with our included broker tools. Expand your outreach and increase your potential profitability with these resources:

Promote your best

Let us promote your numbers with boosted search results that place you as a top result or featured recommendation. When your number meets the searcher's criteria, we'll let the Pig give your number a prime result location with a little extra bling. Additional fees will apply.

Create your own

Put the world’s largest marketplace for local and toll free numbers on your own website and earn a commission on each sale. Maintain a monthly revenue and customer base. Your customers are managed, billed and supported by you in your NumberBarn account. (demo)

Make a Deal

Not exactly sure what your number is worth, but ready to negotiate some deals? Allow shoppers to place a custom offer to buy your phone number(s). Your dashboard allows you to manage incoming offers, accepting, countering or declining with a click of a button.

Spread the word

Provide a unique link to your audience and earn a 5% commission from sales to new customers who click the link. This is the easiest way to earn by simply referring customers to NumberBarn. Send this link in email, text, or, embed it in a web page.

Sell offline and fulfill faster

Selling your numbers outside of NumberBarn? No problem. We give you the tools to transfer ownership quickly.

Quickly transfer to another account

After an outside sale, easily transfer the phone number to a new (or existing) NumberBarn account. Your customer will get an email and can easily access the number and port it to their preferred provider ASAP.

Create custom PINs to allow port out

Your account is protected by a PIN. No need to give out your personal PIN to allow port outs. When transferring ownership of a single number, create a custom port-out PIN that only works for that number. Your account remains protected and your customer gets their number.

We keep you in the loop


Email updates are sent every step of the way:

  • Pending sales
  • Completed sales
  • Changes in listings: pricing, status


Access reports in your Broker dashboard to view:

  • Sales: Pending, Completed, Cancelled
  • Licenses: Pending, Active
  • Earnings
  • Payments

Fees & cashing out

Marketplace Commission Fee

For our services, we charge a commission fee on every sale/license.

40% commission fee

Our Marketplace commission fee covers all the things you don't want to deal with: advertising, processing, fraud control, billing, merchant fees, customer support, and maintenance.

Cashing Out

Sales proceeds can be paid out directly to US-based bank checking or savings account via ACH.

ACH is the ONLY option for pay out.

After sale/license payment is confirmed, there is a 10-day hold period before funds will be available in your NumberBarn account. Sales balance can also be used to cover NumberBarn account billing.

As of January 1, 2025, pay outs for sales proceeds will only be completed via ACH payment. PayPal pay out service will be discontinued.

Broker requirements

Here's what you'll need to join us:

  • Active NumberBarn account in good standing
  • Active US-based bank checking or savings account (for pay out)
  • Phone number(s) must be active in your NumberBarn account to list
  • Phone number(s) must have been acquired in good faith and be fraud free
  • Agree to Marketplace Broker Terms and Conditions
  • Submit program application

Note: Toll free numbers can only be licensed and not sold.

Selling as a business?

If you are wanting to sell phone numbers as part of your business, you can create a business account in NumberBarn.


If you receive more than $600 per year in payouts from NumberBarn, we will send you a 1099-K form for the year. If you need a W-9 from NumberBarn for tax purposes, our customer support team can send one out to you.

You will also have access to review all of your selling and earnings history to use for tax purposes.

Ready to get started?

Port a Number In:

Purchase a Number:

Become a Broker Today

Already a customer? Log in to your account

Additional Benefits

Our Marketplace Broker program is available to all NumberBarn customers. As a NumberBarn customer, you'll also enjoy additional perks:

  • Simple account interface
  • Fiercely competitive pricing for large collections
  • Streamlined digital LOA port-ins
  • One-click number transfers
  • Fast, automated porting within our Tier 1 footprint
  • Number security: test calls & LRN monitoring
  • Custom port-out PINs and transfer lock
  • First-class customer support

Broker FAQs

How much does it cost to sell?

NumberBarn charges a 40% commission fee on every sale and/or license.

What does license mean?

Licensing means you are allowing a customer to use your phone number, but you maintain ownership and the number will return to you once the license has ended.

Do I have to contact or interact with buyers?

NumberBarn handles all sales, billing and support for Marketplace Broker sales. Brokers using our Embedded Search tool on their own website are responsible for managing customers who purchase using the tool. You will need to work with customers of these resold numbers.

How do I get paid?

Once your completed sale has past the 10-day hold period, you can cash out your earnings to your bank account via ACH.

How do I create an account?

To create a NumberBarn account, you will need to either purchase a phone number or port a number in to NumberBarn.

Do I have to pay taxes on my sales?

If you are selling and/or licensing numbers through the NumberBarn Marketplace, you will likely want to report that income when filing your taxes.

Marketplace Broker Terms & Conditions

Telephone Number Brokerage Service
Terms and Conditions

NumberBarn Users may choose to utilize NumberBarn's Telephone Number Brokerage Service (the "Service") to market and sell/license their registered telephone number(s) to unaffiliated third-parties ("Buyers") via the NumberBarn website and NumberBarn agent network. NumberBarn Users ("Sellers") who choose to make use of this Service authorize NumberBarn to exclusively work on their behalf in an attempt to sell/license and transfer rights and obligations of their telephone number(s). Buyers who choose to make use of this Service authorize NumberBarn to exclusively work on their behalf in an attempt to purchase rights and obligations of their desired telephone number(s). The complete Telephone Number Brokerage Service Terms and Conditions define the terms of use for the Service. NumberBarn reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions, change the associated fees, or discontinue the Service without notice.


1. Description of Service

NumberBarn's Telephone Number Brokerage Service (the "Service") is an optional service that NumberBarn offers to its Users ("Sellers", or "Seller") who wish to market and sell/license their telephone number properties ("Telephone Numbers"). Upon acceptance of these terms and conditions, Seller may designate Telephone Numbers in their NumberBarn account which they wish to sell/license, and assign NumberBarn the rights to sell/license those Telephone Numbers.

2. Scope of Service

The Service may only be used for the bona fide, good faith intention of selling and licensing Telephone Numbers listed and priced accordingly through the Service, and may not be used for the purposes of testing interest, and/or listing for the sake of testing value. All sales are final and cannot be revoked or cancelled after the sale/license has completed.

The Service is only available to NumberBarn accounts in good standing. NumberBarn reserves the right to approve or deny a User's application to use the Service, and/or terminate a User's access to the Service, at any time, and for any reason.

2. Telephone Number Brokerage Service (for Sellers)

2.1.1. Minimum Requirements

In order to apply for the Service, the User must meet the following minimum requirements:
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions throughout the time that the Telephone Numbers are to be listed for sale or license.
  • User must be the true and correct owner of the Telephone Numbers, and/or have authorization to list the Telephone Numbers for sale or license.
  • User must have authorized and transferred the telephone number into NumberBarn's number management system.
  • The Telephone number(s) MUST be parked at NumberBarn for the duration of the Brokerage Service and while the number is listed for sale or license.
  • User must set and maintain the selling/licensing price for their PHONE NUMBER INVENTORY.
  • User must commit to transactions made through the Service.
  • User must provide a valid and current W-9 form at the time of application.
  • User must have an active US-based bank checking or savings account as all disbursements are made via ACH.
  • User agrees not to prematurely or without the knowledge of NumberBarn, port out Telephone Numbers(s) that have completed a sale or license through NumberBarn's marketplace.
Failure to meet the requirements listed above will result in NumberBarn limiting, restricting, suspending, or downgrading your broker account.

NumberBarn may, in its sole discretion and without limiting other remedies, limit, suspend, or terminate the Seller's broker account(s) and access to its services, remove any special status associated with the Seller's account(s), remove, not display, and/or demote listings, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical and/or legal steps to prevent the Seller from using our Services.

NumberBarn shall not be liable to Seller or any third party for any reason for terminating Seller's access to Services or for modifying the terms of this service. NumberBarn can terminate the Seller's broker dashboard access and participation in the marketplace at any time for any reason or no reason. Upon termination, NumberBarn will immediately deactivate the broker dashboard, delist all Seller's telephone numbers within NumberBarn's marketplace and Telephone Number search results. All accrued payment obligations to seller will survive expiration or termination, and telephone numbers will remain parked in seller's account as long as they are active and in good standing.

2.1.2. NumberBarn's Duties

Upon applying to NumberBarn's Seller's Brokerage Service, NumberBarn's Brokerage Department will review your application to ensure that you fulfill the requirements set forth by this section. Once the terms and conditions are accepted, NumberBarn will enable you to list your telephone number in its marketplace based upon the listed sales or license price entered within your broker dashboard. Telephone numbers are not considered listed until selected for listing and assigned a selling/licensing price. NumberBarn recommends confirming accuracy of your listing through the marketplace by searching www.numberbarn.com/search for your specific listed telephone number.

NumberBarn's marketplace search functionality will allow for Seller's telephone numbers to be displayed and included in search results when matching number(s), keyword(s), and other filter methods as entered in by a user initiated search query. Transactions:
  • For each Telephone Number sale or license initiated through NumberBarn's marketplace, NumberBarn shall attempt to verify the buyer and their ability to pay the full listing price of the telephone number within NumberBarn's marketplace.
  • For each Telephone Number sale or license initiated through the NumberBarn's marketplace, NumberBarn shall collect full listing price from buyer and any associated taxes that may apply.
  • Seller may not change or in any way modify the activation fee or sales or license price of the Telephone Number once a sale or license has begun and is pending.
  • If Seller attempts to cancel, terminate or interfere with a pending sale or license this will be considered a violation of these terms and conditions and grounds for cancelling Service.
  • Once a sale or license has been initiated, the seller will no longer be able to port away or relicense the number from their NumberBarn account.
  • Upon completion of a sale or license, the seller's telephone number will be transferred to the buyer's account. NumberBarn is in no way held responsible for unintended transactions, sales or license based upon listed sales/license prices. All transactions are final. Seller Compensation:
  • Ten days after the sale or license of a Telephone Number is completed, proceeds from the completed sale or license will be available for payout. Proceeds from the completed sale or license are determined from monies collected based on the listed sales/license price minus brokerage commission as stated within the broker's dashboard.
  • NumberBarn is not responsible to pay out proceeds if no funds were collected from the buyer, or if a chargeback was issued within the first 30 days.
  • NumberBarn will seek to restore telephone numbers to the seller's account that have had their sale or license cancelled, chargebacks issued against a completed sale or license, or sales have been determined to be fraudulent. Seller assumes responsibility for fraudulent sales or license and ports and understands that NumberBarn attempts to verify buyers, but in no way guarantees payment for numbers that were fraudulently ported from NumberBarn's marketplace.
  • All proceeds due to seller will be paid out via ACH through the broker dashboard.
  • All proceeds due to seller are categorized as Cost of Goods sold and viewed as an expense to NumberBarn not a service rendered by the seller.
  • Seller is responsible for chargebacks related to the completed sales or licensing of their Telephone Numbers. NumberBarn attempts to verify and prevent fraudulent transactions, but NumberBarn is not responsible to pay out funds or cover costs for chargebacks on stolen Telephone Numbers. Seller's account balances will be adjusted accordingly.

2.1.3. Seller's Duties Ordering and Application Process

If you believe that you meet the requirements set forth above, from the broker dashboard, you will have the ability to apply for the Service to sell/license your telephone number(s) by clicking the "Sell" tab. You will then be directed to the Telephone Number Brokerage for Sellers Application page, whereby you must accept the Seller's Brokerage Terms and Conditions, and provide a valid and current W-9 (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf). Once approved, seller will select and list telephone number(s) to be sold, set the desired sales or license price (i.e. understanding that it includes NumberBarn's commission fees), and if applicable: a minimum sales or license price, (i.e. lowest amount acceptable for NumberBarn to sell/license your number, excluding NumberBarn fees).

Phone Number Pricing and Listing:
  • The Seller is responsible for setting, listing, and managing the activation fee of their PHONE NUMBER INVENTORY.
  • Seller is responsible for accurately activating or deactivating their PHONE NUMBER INVENTORY within the marketplace. NumberBarn is not responsible or held accountable for telephone numbers sold through an active listing.
  • Seller may not change, or in any way modify the activation fee or selling/licensing price for a listed Telephone Number once the transaction has begun and the sale/license is pending. Seller's Application Accepted

To complete the Application process, you must agree to be bound to NumberBarn's Terms and Services by clicking the appropriate check box. While telephone numbers are listed through NumberBarn's marketplace, one of NumberBarn's senior broker's may act on your behalf to aggressively market and attempt to sell/license the requested telephone number. Seller's Application Denied

If it is determined that your Application has not been accepted, your access to the broker dashboard will be blocked and telephone numbers will be prevented from being listed for sale or license. Limitations of Seller Brokerage Service

By applying to NumberBarn's Brokerage Service, you agree to enable and allow one of NumberBarn's brokers to exclusively represent you as the current telephone owner to facilitate the sale or license of a telephone number(s). You are further aware that selling any sold telephone number(s) outside of NumberBarn, after the sale or license has completed is strictly prohibited, and may result in legal action taken by NumberBarn in order to recoup lost commission or other damages. Users of the Seller's Brokerage Service agree that NumberBarn, through the Service does not, in any way, provide any form of warranty and/or guarantee the sale or license of the telephone number, the willingness of prospective buyers, or any other guarantee with regards to the sale or license of the telephone number(s).

3. General Terms

3.1 Fees

Fees for the Service are specified within your broker dashboard and are subject to change without notice. If NumberBarn is ultimately unsuccessful in negotiating the purchase, sale or license of your telephone number, you will pay no commission fees and your number will remain parked within your NumberBarn account.

3.2. License Terms

You agree that there are no license term limits. Licensed numbers can be held in perpetuity by the licensee, and can only be terminated by the licensee, not you, the licensor. There is no minimum term and no contract. License can be cancelled at anytime by the licensee, or automatically terminated by NumberBarn if licensee account is no longer active and in good standing. Upon termination of a license, telephone number will be returned and activated in licensor's account.

3.3. NumberBarn's Duties and Role as a Broker

You agree that NumberBarn, as your agent, has the express authority to act on your behalf to create a legal relationship with a third party buyer and/or seller with regard to the sale or license of the requested Telephone Numbers. NumberBarn's brokerage department will act in good faith and work diligently towards the sale or license of the requested Telephone Numbers in a manner and at terms that meet the requirements of all parties.

By participating in the Service, you are giving NumberBarn permission and consent to act on your behalf in the capacity of Telephone Number broker, whether actively marketing the sale or license of a telephone number for, you, the seller. You understand and agree that once engaged in NumberBarn's Brokerage Service, you are giving NumberBarn the authority to negotiate, actively market, and effectuate the negotiation of the sale or license of a telephone property. Notwithstanding, it is your responsibility to verify your sales or license price of the listed telephone number, as all completed sales are final.

You further understand and agree that NumberBarn has numerous other listings, and promotes transactions involving other telephone numbers registered to third parties, some of which may be deemed to compete with your purchase and/or sale/license of your telephone number(s). Users of NumberBarn's Brokerage Services consent to NumberBarn's possible representation of such other entities and shall not deem such activities as acting in bad faith. You are aware, understand, and agree that in certain situations, depending upon the circumstances, and unless agreed otherwise in writing, NumberBarn may act as an agent for both a seller and/or potential buyer of the specified telephone number(s). NumberBarn hereby discloses, and you consent to NumberBarn acting as a dual agent representing both a telephone owner and a potential buyer.

Please note that NumberBarn's Terms and Conditions for Brokerage as well as NumberBarn's general terms of service (https://www.numberbarn.com/terms) apply during all stages of brokerage, whether a Broker is successful at negotiating the sale or license of the telephone number or not.

3.4. Confidentiality of the Parties

Due to NumberBarn's strict respect for confidentiality, buyers and sellers remain anonymous throughout the sales/license process. NumberBarn records and publishes the completed sales/license price of Telephone Number(s) only through your broker dashboard. NumberBarn does not release your personal information to public record, except as required by law or regulatory requirements. Your name or company name and contact information may be displayed within your respective NumberBarn accounts.

3.5. Relationship of Parties

The Parties hereto are independent entities. Nothing herein will be construed to place NumberBarn or Seller in a relationship of principal and agent or joint venture and neither NumberBarn nor Seller will have the power to obligate or bind the other in any manner whatsoever.

4. Additional Terms Conditions:

5. Disclaimer of Warranties


6. Indemnification

User and NumberBarn each agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other from and against any third party claim, action, suit, or proceeding arising out of the inaccuracy of any respective representation stated in above paragraphs. Such indemnity shall apply to all losses, damages, liabilities, and reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred by the party receiving the benefit of this paragraph.

7. Limitations on Liability

Except for each party's respective indemnity obligations in the above section, in no event shall either party be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages, or for interrupted communications, lost data or lost profits, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. User expressly agrees that use of NumberBarn's services is at User's sole risk. NumberBarn, its employees, affiliates, agents, third-party information providers, merchants, licensers or the like, warrant that the Service will not be error free; nor do they make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Service or as to the accuracy, reliability or content of any information service or merchandise contained in or provided through the Service, unless otherwise expressly stated in this agreement.

8. Miscellaneous Provisions

1. This Agreement will be governed by California law without giving effect to principles of conflict of laws. Both parties agree to submit to jurisdiction in California, and that any action brought regarding the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement shall be filed in San Diego County, CA. The prevailing party in any action will be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
2. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
3. The waiver of any breach of this Agreement will not operate as a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.
4. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between NumberBarn and User. This Agreement may only be amended in writing acknowledged by both parties.

Free Guide: How to Sell Phone Numbers

Learn how to start your side business in five minutes. Earn more in sales and move your number inventory.

Get your free guide to becoming a reseller

About NumberBarn

NumberBarn is the market leader in phone number management services as well as the largest and most valuable marketplace for local and toll free phone numbers. With our best in class customer service, industry leading pricing, customer centric features, and 5-star reviews, our reputation is hard to beat. And we have a fun pig as a mascot to boot.